6 Reason Why "Tibet" is not Part of China.

  1. Tibet's history                                                                             Tibet had history written over 2,000 years ago. The Genghis khan's mongol empire expanded over almost half of the world .The Tibetans had agreement for full protection for the exchange of religious blessing and teaching.That religious relation became so close even to Kublai khan.
  2. Language                                                                                    Tibet had the one most beautiful language in the world. It was created by the one of greatest Tibetan scholar Thonmi Sambhota during 7th century C.E. To be more clear, Tibetan language is entirely different from Chinese language. 
  3. Declaration of Tibet's Independence in 1913                           just a year before the World War 1 was started, The 13th Dalai lama Thupten Gyatso declared the independence of Tibet in the eye world because he was aware that Chinese may invade Tibet.      
  4.  Simla Agreement                                                                        In 1914, there was "treaty" made between The Great Britain, China and Tibet which clearly shows that Tibetan represent Tibet but not by chinese.
  5. First to climb MT Everest                                                         Everyone knows who were people to climb Mt Everst but most interesting fact is that both Tenzin Norgyal and Edmund Hillary took permission Tibetan government.They even have the seal on their document from government.

  6. Tibetan for real                                                                            Before Chinese government invade Tibet, Tibetan government makes its own currency which is also entirely different from Chinese.

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