7 "Historical Facts" You Must Know about Tibetan National Flag

  1. First Tibetan National Flag                                                                                                                                                                  The first ever Tibetan National Flag was personally made by The Great  Dalai Lama in 1916 and  issued an official proclamation to adopt in every military establishment.            
  2. Tibetan Flag as evidence of Independent Tibet                                                                                                                                                                                                       Tibetan national Flag was shown in 1934 on  national geographic magazine's "Flag Of World" series and "Drawing of All Nation by British admiralty(1930)    

  3.     Older Than  A Granny                                                                                                                                                                         Its been almost Ten decades since Tibetan Modern National flag was designed.Which mean Its older than flags of many countries like China, India, Germany,Nepal and Afghanistan etc...
  4. First International Appearance                                                                                                                                                           The Tibetan flag made its official international appearance in 1947, at the First Inter-Asian Conference, which "Mahatma Gandhi" addressed. The Tibetan flag was displayed alongside other flags of Asian nations, and a circular flag emblem placed before the Tibetan delegation on the podium.  
  5. Tibetan Flag in Cigarettes Business                                                                                       Late after Industrialization, Companies were using Different sort of strategies in order to boost their products. Austrian  Companies like Abadie Zigarettenpapier Ltd. used flags on their cigarettes card and so on  until the early 1960s nearly a dozen German, Austrian, Dutch, and English tobacco companies also featured it on cigarette cards.Later many companies Tibetan Flag in Chocolates,Chewing Gum,candy and trading card, so that people would keep collections.   
    Tibetan flag On Trading card
    Tibetan flags in Cigarettes card 
  6.     A Must watch Video for more information                                                                       https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n18t1jfQwOs                                                                                                                                             

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