7"Reasons" Why Tibet Is Still Not Free

  1. POPULATION DEFICIENCY                                                                                                                            Tibetan population sums up around 8 millions in which more than 80% of Tibetans were resided in Tibet Under communist rule.Tibetans in exile are few in numbers even though westerns lend their hands for us.More over Tibetans in exile are scattered around the world as minority.Tibetan in Tibet were strongly influenced by Chinese Culture and So as Tibetan in India by India Culture. By considering all factors out there, Tibetans culture and language  may extincted forever. It would be just another tale.
  2. DIVERSITY IN OBJECTIVES OF TIBETAN ORGANISATION                                                                       despite having population issues, still Tibetans form Different NGOs with different objectives example SFT,TYC and FTC etc. which weaken the unity of Tibetan.
  3. POOR TIBETAN YOUTH INITIATIVES AND LEADERSHIP                                                                                                                                                                                    Even thought there is huge increased in number Tibetan Youth involving in politics yet they lack leadership.Main reason of poor initiative are lack of motivation of youth and lack of leadership seminars. There are few organisations who offers leadership seminars for the Tibetan Youth example     http://empoweringvision.org/
  4.   NO PROGRESS IN SINO-TIBETAN DIALOGUE                                                                                                                     Last Tibet-China dialogue was in Feb 2006.When there will a next Sino-Tibet dialogue?
  5.   TOO FEW EXPERTISE                                                                                                                           Luckily thanks to the Voice of Tibet, Many Tibetan professionals were discovered around the world.Even the number of experts in various field is very few.Likewise in the field of art, There are people like Jamyang Norbu, Woeser and tsundue..etc   to whom Tibetan Youths are  inspired.
  6. CHINA'S POWER FULL ECONOMY                                                                                                                 One of fastest growing economy is China with both pros and cons.Many experts were saying that whole Chinese economy will collapsed near in future. The fact is that China is one of the most powerful country world.

  7. UNMOTIVATED TIBETAN                                                                                                                          Tibet belongs to Tibetan huh? Every Tibetan want their Tibet back. Many Tibetans are busy with their own life and Don't  not realize that They are living in Somebody else's home.In case Tibet,Chinese Government makes Tibetans unmotivated by cheap liquor and gambling places. 

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